Attendance » Attendance


The Importance of Attending School

Attending school on-time daily is a life skill Wilkinsburg School district encourages all students to develop, as a means of demonstrating leadership and excellence.  Therefore, the Wilkinsburg School District aims to hold everyone: Parents, Teachers, Guidance Counselors, Support Staff, and Community Members accountable for encouraging our students to attend school every day on time.  This is not solely a concern of the district; we all have an important part in making sure our youth receive an excellent education.

The Wilkinsburg School District attains academic achievement by challenging every student to work to their fullest potential.



Pennsylvania Compulsory Attendance Law requires that students attend school until the age of 17 years. Students who do not attend school, risk the chance of educational failure, low paying jobs, juvenile system involvement, and poor academic success. The Wilkinsburg School District is here to provide a high-quality standard of education for our children so that they can be successful contributors of society. That can’t be done if your child does not attend school.

If your child is absent from school, please send an excuse to the school secretary to record as a legal absence. If no excuses are received, the Attendance Officer will proceed with legal action resulting in fines ordered against the parent, and/or the parent and child. For more information on Truancy, the importance of attending school, and how we can help, please contact please contact Darin Cole at 412-871-2238 or [email protected]. 


The Wilkinsburg School District also provides resources to families in fear of losing their homes. For more information visit our Families in Transition page.